Friday, 27 November 2015

Indian Spicy Yogurt Drink

Indian Spicy Yogurt Drink

Hi, friends! What would you feel in summer when the sun is
 scorching? Hmm...probably you would run for a cold drink. But, what would the Indians do? They will make use of the fresh curd to make a yogurt drink (moru), a spicy yogurt drink. As we all know, chillies and spices are the best friends of the Indian foods and drinks.

Steps :
1. Fry cardamom, herbs, onions, chillies, red chillies, any other type of chillies you prefer and curry leaves. (Quantity of these items are depends on you preferences)

2. Once fried, mix it with 300ml of curd and 100ml of water in a jug. Do not boil or heat the curd.

3. Add half tablespoon of salt. (You can add more if you want it to be more salty. Indians prefer to add few pinch of salt)

4. Now, you can keep it in fridge.

5. Drink it when it is cold enough.